Thursday, July 12, 2007

If you drop your meat on the road, people will notice you

As I was crossing Roslyn today, a guy crossing from the other direction stopped right in the middle of the street and dropped his meat on the road. Just to hear it smack, I suppose. Then he picked it up and kept walking. The lunch meat (what kind of meat were you thinking of ?!) was no worse for wear and he probably had a nice sandwich for supper.

I actually laughed out loud. Crazy people do crazy things sometimes.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I dislike men in thongs (of all varieties) and other observations in the walk of life

  1. Looking down when you walk is very practical.
  2. Puke dries in the sun very quickly.
  3. People like to hok loogies (I spell "hok" the way I did because I'm not sure how to spell it and because the guy on "So You Think You Can Dance" spells his name that way).
  4. The "don't walk" to "walk" at Memorial & Broadway takes between 40 to 42 beeps to change.
  5. The bridge is scary.
  6. The most depressed man I've ever seen in my life lives in Winnipeg and walks by me on the bridge quite often.
  7. People like to "do things" on/to the bridge - throw eggs, hok loogies, puke, allow their dogs to shit, steal the life saving device (twice). Which reminds me, if my worst fear ever comes true and someone (see #6) does pick me up and throw me over the bridge, what if the doohickey is gone? What will people throw to help save me? Eggs? Loogies?
  8. Dog shit is very interesting to observe. One day it's a fresh pile, the next someone decides to step in it to see what their shoe print looks like, the next day it's HALF gone, the next day someone has cleaned it up.
  9. Not everyone is friendly.
  10. Smokers are mostly friendly.
  11. Men who think I'm flirting with them should be happy about it (have I lost my charm?)
  12. The guy at Starbucks loves Fruit & Almond Seed Bars too.
  13. I love my daily walk. What should I do when winter comes?