Monday, June 25, 2007

The Customer Service Department is in the box just through those doors

Dillon works in a 6'x6'x8' box and yet he is a master of customer service. As soon as the doors open, he steps forward, smiles, greets you, invites you in the box, and takes care of you. He waits for you when you leave the box if no one else needs him right then. He laughs at jokes about Seinfeld. He is Customer Service.

Dillon is the security guard in a building I visited recently. Not only is he a security guard, he's the guy they want in the elevator that goes all the way to the top - you know, the Boardroom Elevator. Dillon spends meeting days travelling up and down, up and down, down and up, up and down, up and, well, you get the picture. Considering I have dizzy spells after one round in the elevator at work, this impresses me.

Dillon does NOT love his job in the elevator. When I asked him about it, he said he really didn't enjoy meeting days and working in the elevator. You'd never know that, though. He was the consumate professional, with an incredible attitude towards people. He didn't have to say it, you just knew that he understood his role as a customer service ambassador for his company.

Anyone who laughs at a Seinfeld reference is ok in my books. A man that serves me - well, that's just above and beyond.

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