Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Beginners are exhausting and exhiliarting

Another yoga year begins.

To my great surprise and delight, I found out yesterday that I have a (relatively) small class of 15 participants. Usually I'm fighting to keep my class at 35. "Please, please, please don't let any more participants in." becomes "enough already!" which becomes "oh, just pack 'em in. It doesn't make a difference any more anyway."

So yesterday was a treat. A gift, really. Until I started class. A fibromyalgia here, a couch potato there, some super experienced long-term participants thrown in for good measure. 15 minutes in and after half down dog, I realized that I needed to take THIS level 1 & 2 class slowly or I'd lose people.

In the end, I very nearly lost two last night. I tried to hang on. I went super slowly. I showed modifications. I was at a loss for what to do. They decided their arms weren't strong enough and just sat on their behinds and watched the rest of the proceedings. I truly know now one of the reasons standing poses are easier for beginners. When there was a wave of excitement through the room at standing and doing blown palm (side stretch), I realized what I missed all along. Being upside down is really tough! Not only that, but my arms are pretty strong. I tend to forget my own body because I look at it through a haze and only see the imperfections and weaknesses.

So, a few more lessons learned, courtesy of self-examination through yoga. I drove home feeling exhausted but exhiliarated that (I'm pretty sure) everyone will be back next week. That is after all the goal.

No one gets left behind.

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