Monday, November 17, 2008

Disturbing Thoughts

The trial of Phoenix Sinclair's parents has weighed heavily on me in the past week. Hearing all the gory details on the news has been difficult and I've tried to avoid the details by choosing to turn off. Still, I've heard enough. I've heard enough to hope her parents rot in jail and then somewhere much, much worse, being subjected to what they did to their daughter over and over and over again for eternity.

Thankfully, Phoenix is in a safe place where she is loved, cared for, and out of pain.

Which brings me to a conversation I had. About how I hoped Phoenix's parents would be subjected to what they did to her over and over. My friend's reply? "I sure wouldn't want every bad thing I've ever done repeated on me for all eternity." True. And yet different. But also, who am I to judge what happens to people? Don't get me wrong, I have no sympathy for these people. I DO want them to go to jail for the remainder of their natural lives. But it was a reminder that I am not the judge. Someone else has that under control.

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