Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hey world - it's me!

What started with email and Classmates took a meandering path through Facebook and blogging and then grew into a garden of texting, BBMing, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Being connected, networking, and staying in touch is hard work!

As a new manager, I struggle with knowing how much "staying in touch" is enough contact. After a few days away, I do the rounds with my team, spending a few minutes chatting with each and finding out how "things" are going. Is it enough? Should I be calling them into my office for regular sitdowns? Should I BBM them in the evening when they've been sick to see if they're ok? Or do I wait for them to come to me? What's caring and what's too much?

I have a vastly different group of people in my team. From university students to seasoned administrators and they each have different needs. I've learned that the key is finding the balance for each individual person. In my short time as a manager, I've discovered that it's about leading and mentoring, helping every employee flourish and grow, and ensuring I have a happy and productive team.

Management is the ultimate selfless effort. An exercise in knowing oneself and pouring energy into the discovery of others.


christine.ens said...

Nice to see you back in the blogosphere. Waiting for more reflections on being a manager and tips and tricks on how to handle "it".

Colleen said...

I think it's best to share what you learn while you're learning it. When's you're blog going public? ;)