Friday, August 10, 2007

I have arrived

I am finally considered a wise old sage. Really, it happened overnight. The young people want to hear my stories. They want to know what life was like in "the old days". It's only a matter of time that I haul out my photo albums and people laugh and point at my hair, my clothes, my two-toned glasses (pink and blue, folks), the old Malibu Classic.


I have joined a group on facebook - Winkler Bible Camp Alumni. The last time I was at WBC? 1992, perhaps? The first time? 1980, maybe? I was an annual summer camper. I loved camp. Then I became a counsellor. In 1985. I spent a few entire summers at WBC. I learned how to ride horses, overcome (that's a bit of a stretch) my fear of heights in the ropes course, felt actual JOY when some accepted Jesus into their hearts, gained & lost summer loves.

Time marches on.

Now in "the group", I am asked to tell stories about the way camp was. In the 80's. Before they were born. There are two other names I recognize from my glory days in the group of 100+. TWO.

I feel oddly at peace about my new lot in life. People finally want to hear about my experiences, my life, the way things were. I am an icon. I LOVE it. I have arrived!

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