Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Nice blog no blog

My last post was just over one year ago. In the past year, I've discovered. . .

- My teeth are really lovely. Like REALLY lovely.
- The hardest people to work with are insecure.
- A few really good friends are a lot easier to maintain than a whack of social friends.
- I need to be careful who I trust.
- Eat, Pray, Love.
- The Twilight Saga.
- My favourite food really is ice cream, or gelati, or sherbert, or frosty's, or. . .anything cold, creamy, and wet.
- Balance means being home for supper.
- Balance is a tradeoff.
- Facebook.

- Childhood friends, childhood crushes, good and bad people from "former lives", and people to avoid can all find you.
- The older I get, the better looking older guys get.
- My nieces are fantastically awesome creatures.
- It's hard to keep up with a house.
- Pets bring more joy into one's life than can be admitted publicly.
- Sometimes if you leave and let be, things fall into place.
- Maybe having a 5-year old car isn't such a big deal (sorry dad).
- If someone else made it, it's always the best meal I ever tasted - even if it might not be my taste.
- Sometimes your friends are more family than family.
- It's not always a bad thing to go back to the familiar and yet insanely ridiculous things.
- I'm not so bad even if not everybody likes me.


christine.ens said...

I love your discoveries, Colleen. After checking back here for updates throughout the year, I had given up (until you phoned and told me you were back to the blog). The discoveries really do tell me that (and I quote a friend) you really are a "wise old sage". Glad to have your blog to visit. Keep up with the communicating. See you at supper tonight!

Colleen said...

Not to mention that I am still a STARBUCKWHORE.