Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Week 2 Day 3

A note about cardio - my speed on the treadmill increased by .2 to .3 this week (Monday).

I wasn't feeling well this morning. Kelly thinks I may have poisoned us with salmon (he always thinks that when I make salmon).

So, not feeling well, a funny thing happened to me at yoga. I gave up caring. I gave up looking at the Bendy Girls. I didn't even try to go into headstand. And although my stomach didn't feel good, I felt good about my practice. The stories don't stop in my head though. Self-doubt, fear, worry, anger, they all showed up today.

Final meditation was unique to me. I could feel the vibrations of Dillon's voice in my arms. Then when he no longer spoke, I could feel the vibration of vehicles going by.

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