Friday, November 7, 2008

Yin & Yang

Yoga boot camp is over! Yay! I mean, boo-urns! Ok, so I'll admit it was really tough for me. I loved doing yoga in the morning but it impacted my entire day by at least one hour, more often than not, by one and a half hours. So, starting work was late, leaving work was late, dinner was late, house didn't get cleaned, laundry didn't get done, and on and on and on it went. Near the end, I gave up.

Great thing is now, I can go to Source on my schedule. Went on Wednesday. Probably going tonight. It feels really good to be back in the saddle of my own schedule.

Is that my issues? The control-freakedness? Or is it just that yoga at 6:30 a.m. is not "my flow" right now? Whatever the case, I feel much better.

Now I've just got to get back to my neglected friends and my neglected house. Time to start working my way back to my real life.

Cheers my girls - I love you!

1 comment:

christine.ens said...

Cheers to you too! I agree - maybe 6:30 AM isn't your best time for yoga, especially considering the impact it makes on your already very busy days.

Looking forward to more girl time in the near future!
