Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Suit That John Made Me Buy

I have a new job where I feel I have to make a good impression on high-ranking people so I decided I needed to purchase a new kick-a%# suit for my first out-of-town meetings this week.

I went to a new store and instantly fell in love - with the clothes, of course; with John, most definitely! John was the kind of salesperson one dreams about. Attentive, helpful, knew exactly what would fit my body type. Sigh.

John made me try on a $550 suit. Teenflo. I have never tried on anything that has felt as good. John extolled the virtues of the suit. "You can wear the jacket with jeans or over a cute little white sundress. You can wear it with tall brown, tan, or black boots OR stilettos would look really hot with it. It fits you like a glove, I love the detail on it. . ." and on and on and on. I have never spent that much money on a suit. I figured $500 would cover the suit and a new pair of shoes.

John made me buy the suit. Rather, John sold the suit. I think all salespeople should be brought into a boutique store to see how it's done. Those salespeople who score 0 in communication skills and anticipating needs should see how a real man sells a woman clothing.

The best thing about my purchase is that John has me so convinced that I feel absolutely no guilt. Now THAT'S a salesperson!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.