Friday, June 1, 2007

The Wave Lady & The Helpful Homeless

The Wave Lady was half a block ahead of me this morning, so the first time she turned around to wave, I thought she was waving at me. I didn't recognize her so I resisted the urge to wave back. That's when she turned and waved again. And again. And again. At someone (thing?) in an apartment building. She had a big smile on her face and the waves were somewhat excited, somewhat flirtatious, somewhat something such that I couldn't figure out who she was waving to.

I made up a few stories in my head. Maybe she had a torrid one night stand that was so passionate that she hated to leave to go to her extremely boring job at (insert unfulfilling employment here). She tore herself out of bed, away from her newly found lover because she knew if she called in sick once more, she would lose that horrid job.

Or maybe she was on her first day of work or school. Something exciting and meaningful. She certainly did look happy. Maybe it was something she just couldn't wait to get to.

Or maybe it was her first day away from her young child and she regretted leaving him/her so she kept turning around to wave. The kind of look you give someone when you don't want to forget them.
In any case, her continuous turn-and-wave routine made me smile.

I hope she had a good day.

It was a rather beautiful morning after weeks of grey sky and rain so I was naturally feeling pretty good.

As I passed my local drug/grocery/lottery/anything-under-the-sun-you-can-think-of-store, I noticed an employee cleaning up the area around the dumpster. It was rather unremarkable until the Helpful Homeless showed up to lend a hand. He stood beside the employee, bent over, and started picking up garbage to throw in the dumpster. Employee was scared. I was moved. He gave what he could as he was able.

Morning walks are very enlightening. . .

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