Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 3 Day 1

The flu hit my office early last week. It started hitting me yesterday. I headed over to my local pharmacy for Cold-fX and tucked into bed early thinking I might make it to yoga this morning. It was not to be. When I woke up at 3 feeling hot and achy, I changed my alarm so that I could sleep a bit longer and still make it to work. So here I sit, at home, with my Cold-fX beside me wishing I could have made yoga but knowing that it would not have been helpful to go today.

Perhaps later I'll get in another Malasana, which has been going better now that I can actually feel the pose in my feet and not just in my groin, calves, shins, and ankles.

Bonus - a 4-day work week (assuming I make it to work tomorrow).

Sorry Sheryl - the sticky buns are on my table waiting to be delivered to you!

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