Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Week 3 Day 3

Finally. Back at yoga. I'd never practiced the style we did today although it was very much a flow class - which is among my favourite. What I'm beginning to notice though, is that, while I used to only want to do flow because it felt so right for my body, I long for time to work on my alignment.

I've also had a real epiphany with pada banda. I feel so much more support in poses when I engage me feet and legs. Yeah, it's harder but when I got to a pose on the floor and work on my pada banda, the pose feels better from my feet up so I know it's got to work when I'm standing too - even though I can't quite always make that connection yet.

I felt myself wanting to look around during wheel/bridge today. Not out of envy, but out of wonder. The person beside me this morning moved with such ease in the pose. There was effort, but no audible or visual effort to her achieving the pose. She just moved as she was ready. And then I realized that I do the same thing in my own small, un-bendy way. I may not go to wheel but I focus on the ease and breath within a pose. If my breath is laboured and out-of-whack (technical term), then I know I need to find my breath or back off. So I'm not in full wheel (which is beautiful, by the way). I'm in my version of wheel.

I find myself thinking about next week. I have set an intention to go to yoga twice next week, which will be a challenge. I figure that if I do one on Monday, I only need one more in the whole week. That should be achievable.

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