Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week 1 Day 2 Update - The Truth I Hate to Acknowledge

I keep avoiding this subject (avoiding in my head). As I drove to work today, "I need to quit teaching" popped into my head. This relates to aerobics to focus more on yoga. This has happened several times in the past 6 months. Although my intuition is trying to tell me something, I am unwilling to listen right now. Why is that?

Less in the bank + more spent on yoga training = less money overall

I went to another instructors' class yesterday and while I know that I am a very good instructor, my lack of focus on aerobics has diminished my abilities dramatically. I don't know any new fun moves. I have a lack of focus on my own personal development. In truth, I don't enjoy it all that much any more. So why do I hang on?

money, damn money

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