Thursday, September 18, 2008

My First 5 Minutes with Malasana

Ok, so I'll give it a shot. 10 minutes a day. It can't be that bad, can it? After discussing with Sheryl, I decided on a strategy of two-five minute sessions per day starting with my first at lunchtime.

Is it supposed to be this excruciating? Within two minutes, I had to breathe through my mouth. My toes were numb. At minute 3, I took a 5 second break. At minute 3 1/2, I started checking the timer on my watch every 5 seconds. At 4 minutes, I thought I would cry. But my toes weren't so numb. Now I just had discomfort shooting through my ankles. Both sides. Top, too.

Maybe if I say it, I can own it.

I love Malasana.

Um, nope. Not yet. But I'll keep trying.


christine.ens said...

What's Malasana?

Anonymous said...

Basically, a really deep squat with your knees wide apart (one option)to help open feet, calves, ankles. Dr Dillon prescription #1.